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  • 1. 完形填空

    Bill is a good student and a smart boy. He likes to study 1, and he can do all of the maths problems in his book easily.

    One day on his way to school, Bill passed a fruit store. There was a 2 in the window which said, "Apple-six for 5 cents (美分) ." An idea 3 to Bill and he went into the store. "How 4 are the apples?" he asked the store.

    "Six for 5 cents."

    "But I don't want six apples."

    "How many apples do you want?"

    "It is not a question of how many apples I want. It is a maths problem."

    "What do you 5 by a maths problem?" asked the man.

    "Well, if six apples are worth(值)5 cents, then five apples are worth 4 cents, four apples are worth 3 cents, three apples are worth 2 cents, two apples are worth 1 cent and one apple is worth 6 . I only want 7 apple"

    Bill 8 a good apple, began to eat it and walked 9 out of the store. The man looked at the young boy with such 10 that he could not say a word.

    A . English B . Biology C . Geography D . Maths
    A . news B . book C . sign D . glass
    A . came B . went C . got D . appeared
    A . many B . much C . big D . heavy
    A . mean B . do C . say D . plan
    A . something B . anything C . everything D . nothing
    A . one B . two C . three D . four
    A . looked out B . put out C . picked out D . set out
    A . angrily B . happily C . easily D . carefully
    A . sadness B . prize C . surprise D . fruit
