当前位置: 小学英语 /
  • 1. 情景交际。

    A. What are the festivals in the twelve months?

    B. It's on the 4th Thursday of November.

    C. When is it?

    D. Which month is the tenth month of the year?

    E. The children are celebrating National Day.

    1. (1) 你想知道它在什么时候,你应问:
    2. (2) 国庆节到了,孩子们都在庆祝节日,你应说:
    3. (3) 你想知道十二个月里都有哪些节日,你应问:
    4. (4) 你询问对方感恩节在哪一天,对方会说:
    5. (5) 你想知道一年里的第十个月是哪个月,你应问:
