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  • 1. 通读全文,根据短文内容的理解,选择最佳答案填空。

        Sam and Pat are 1 . They're in 2 class. Sam works harder and studies better 3 Pat. One day the teacher asks the students 4 a composition. The title of the composition is "My mother". Sam5a composition and is going to hand it in (上交) to the teacher. Pat says, "Sam, let me have 6." Pat reads it and copies (抄写) it.

        The 7 day, the teacher asks Pat, "8 is your composition just as 9, Pat?"

        "Because we have the same 10," says Pat.

    A . sisters B . friends C . brothers D . girls
    A . two B . the same C . different D . a different
    A . with B . as C . like D . than
    A . to write B . wrote C . writes D . writing
    A . copies B . writes C . reads D . listens
    A . a drink B . a good time C . a walk D . a look
    A . this B . that C . next D . another
    A . Why B . What C . Which D . Whose
    A . Sam B . Sams' C . Sams D . Sam's
    A . brother B . sister C . uncle D . mother
