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  • 1. 根据短文理解,选择正确答案。


        EVERYDAY since March 8, people all over the world are repeatedly asking the same question: Where did Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 go? It turns out to be the saddest answer.

        On March 24, Malaysian Prime Minister(总理) Najib Razak announced that the plane "ended in the southern Indian Ocean". All 239 people on board, including 154 Chinese, died.

        The conclusion was based on satellite(卫星) data from the British Air Accidents Investigation Branch and Inmarsat, a Britain ­based satellite company. No debris(残骸)of the plane had been found.

        The news sent people, especially families of passengers(乘客), into deep sorrow. They are asking for more details about the investigation.

        China has already asked Malaysia to provide(提供) all the information and evidence(证据) leading to the conclusion, said Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei. He said China would continue with their search effort. "We hope that other countries will also continue their search, " Hong said.

    1. (1) There were ________ foreign people on board except Chinese.
      A . 239 B . 154 C . 393 D . 85
    2. (2) The conclusion which Malaysian Prime Minister announced was based on ________.
      A . debris of the plane B . satellite data C . the black box D . A, B and C
    3. (3) The underlined word "sorrow" means "________" in Chinese.
      A . 悲痛 B . 思考 C . 恐惧 D . 反省
    4. (4) According to the passage, what was China's attitude(态度) to the missing flight?
      A . China urged Malaysia to search for the missing flight by themselves. B . China hoped the families of the passengers could wait for good news. C . China would continue searching the flight with other countries. D . China had accepted the conclusion.
    5. (5) The passage is probably a ________.
      A . novel B . fiction C . news report D . story
