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  • 1. 阅读理解

    Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton and Charles Darwin—these great scientists(科学家) are all left-handed. Does this mean that left-handers are smarter than right-handers, as some people say?

    Scientific studies show that left-handers have no higher IQ (intelligence quotient (智商) than right-handers. They are just good at different things.

    Left-handers and right-handers usually use different sides of their brains(大脑). Right-handers use the left side more often, but left-handers use both sides more evenly. We use the left side of our brain to work out problems. We use the right side to create(创造).

    Left-handers are good at creative things such as music, art and science. But it's not all good news for them. They often forget names and places.

    1. (1) The author names some famous scientists to ________.
      A . show us that there are many great scientists B . show us that left-handed people are funny C . show that all great scientists are left-handed D . tell what the story is about
    2. (2) What do scientific studies show about left-handers and right-handers?
      A . Left-handers are smarter than right-handers. B . Right-handers are smarter than left-handers. C . Both of the two groups have the same IQ. D . The two groups are good at different things.
    3. (3) Left-handers are better at ________ than right-handers.
      A . working out problems B . using the left side of their brain C . doing scientific studies D . remembering names and place
    4. (4) What does the underlined word "evenly" mean?
      A . 稀少地 B . 均衡地 C . 反复地 D . 特别地
    5. (5) Which question does this story mainly answer?
      A . Why are all great scientists left-handed? B . Are left-handers really smarter than right-handers? C . How do our brains work? D . What are left-handers good at doing?
