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    What Is Your Pet Trying to Tell You

    Animals want our attention, and sometimes they're quite obviously about asking for it. Unusual behaviors are often our pets' way of telling us to stop what we're doing and play with them. It's why Fido constantly chases his tail and why Kitty keeps rolling around. A desperately bored pet may have "bad" behaviors to get a reaction - even a negative one!

    Feed me.

    Sure, your dog loves you, but that's not why he's licking (舔) your face. A puppy learns to lick his mother's mouth to get a little leftover food, so Spot isn't kissing you in our sense of the word; he just wants a snack.

    I'm stressed.

    Cat owners also misinterpret their furry friends'kisses. While a cat might lick you to show love, sometimes she'll do it to ease herself. One way to tell if her licking is stress-related is to see if it goes on for an extended period of time. Birds also over clean when they feel anxious. Some will even drag out their own feathers.

    My tail tells all.

    Dogs wag (摇) their tails to the right when they see something or someone they want to approach, and to the left when they see something they want to avoid. When frightened, dogs curl their tails in, while cats wrap theirs around themselves. And if a cat's tail looks like a question mark, she's eager to play.

    1. (1) What does a dog show if it kisses its owner?
      A . Hunger. B . Love. C . Fear. D . Sadness.
    2. (2) How many kinds of pets are mentioned in the text?
      A . Two. B . Three. C . Four. D . Five.
    3. (3) What will happen if birds get anxious?
      A . They will drag others' feathers. B . They will approach someone they like. C . They will clean their feathers more than necessary. D . They will stare at their owners for a longer time.
