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  • 1. (2021九上·天河期中) 阅读下列短文,从各题所给的 A、B、C.和D项中选出最佳的选择。

    How do money problems influence our social life? Do we simply stop going out and enjoying ourselves? And, if we do stop going out, are there any other ways to party?

    Psychologists say that having fun with close friends and family is very important to our mental health. Last Christmas, Yorkshire Bank, UK did a survey to see how people were planning to celebrate the festive season when they had not much money to spend. They found that eight out of ten Britons preferred an invitation to a house party to a night out in a bar or club.

    So, the question is, how can we throw a party without spending all our money? Easy     just read our "hot tips":

    Hot Tip #1      Careful planning

    "It's all in the planning," claim party experts. If you plan the number of guests and the menu with prices in mind, it won't be expensive. Remember, in this situation, less is more-the fewer guests you invite, the lower your costs will be. Equally, if you hold the party in your own home, it'll be even cheaper for everyone. Going to pubs or chubs will be too expensive. Also, if you buy a few candles and simple decorations, you'll be able to create a bar scene in your own front room.

    Hot Tip #2      Shop intelligently

    One of the biggest costs is the food and drink. If you shop efficiently, you will spend less money on them. In big supermarkets, you often have "three for the price of two" food offers. You can also pick up alcohol (酒) quite cheaply if you look for deals. If you host a party, people won't require a three-course meal-a simple spread of crisps, olives and dips (调味酱) is enough.

    Hot Tip #3      Caring is sharing

    Don't be scared to ask your guests to bring something. If you invite close friends, they'll be happy to contribute. For example, you could ask someone to bring some snacks and someone else to bring cups. After all, the idea is to get your nearest and dearest together in honour of friendship and good times.

    So what are you waiting for? Find an excuse to celebrate and start sending out those invitations. But remember, save yourself some money, get creative and don't do everything yourself.

    1. (1) The survey was done to find out _________.
      A . where people could shop efficiently on Christmas B . what stopped people going out and having fun C . how people without much money celebrated Christmas D . why Britons wanted to have a night out in a bar or club
    2. (2) Yorkshire Bank surveyed 1,000 people, how many of them preferred a house party?
      A . 8 B . 18 C . 80 D . 800
    3. (3) According to the hot tips, what should we do for a party with less money?
      A . Invite as many friends as you can. B . Ask a friend to bring some snacks. C . Prepare a three-course meal. D . Find an excuse to ask for help.
    4. (4) In which part of a newspaper can we probably find this article?
      A . Advice page. B . Shopping tips. C . Mental health. D . Medical care.
