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  • 1. (2021八上·天河期中) 完形填空

    Do you like eating potato chips? They are thin, salted and crisp(脆的). They are American's favorite snack food. Do you know the1of potato chips?

    In the summer of 1853, an American named George Crum worked as a(n)2at a restaurant in New York. French-fried potatoes in this restaurant were prepared by Crum. One day, a guest found chef Crum's French fries too3. He ordered him to4again. Crum cut the potato thinner, but the guest was still unhappy. Crum was5and he decided to cut the potato as thin as a piece of paper.

    To his surprise, the guest liked it very much. Since then, other guests have6these paper-thin potatoes. And soon it became popular.

    Many people wanted to make and sell chips in stores, but the7was William in 1895. He began making chips in his kitchen and8them to neighborhood stores. Later, he built "one of the first potato chip factories" in the country.

    At that time, potatoes were peeled(削皮)9. And the potato peeler was10in the 1920s. It helped potato chips become a top-selling snack food.

    A . length B . history C . weight D . color
    A . manager B . artist C . boss D . cook
    A . thin B . thick C . expensive D . cheap
    A . throw B . eat C . cook D . study
    A . happy B . excited C . satisfied D . angry
    A . ordered B . cooked C . sold D . painted
    A . first B . last C . second D . third
    A . cut B . developed C . sent D . create
    A . on foot B . by hand C . by plane D . by heart
    A . destroyed B . burnt C . invented D . cooked
