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  • 1. (2021九上·天河期中) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

    One cool morning, my mother and I went to several garage sales (宅前旧货出售) to find something that our family might want. We finally1at a pleasant house in the woods. The elderly2told me that he and his wife were retired (退休的) teachers. As we were searching, I heard the gentleman's wife say her3to someone, and I immediately4who she was. She looked at me and said. "You're Lisa Miller" I looked at her5, for it had been nearly thirty6since I had been in her class.

    My mother immediately said sorry to her for any trouble I might have made. She did that again after learning that I wasn't the sweet little child. She thought that if this woman7me after so many years, I must have done something8My teacher looked at my mother and softly said. "Oh, no, She was very good. " My teacher9that during the last week of school, I10her a plant from my mother's garden. It was a lamb's ear. She took us to her garden where she planted the lamb's ear. Over the years it11. As I looked down her driveway with lamb's ears on both sides, she said, "Every day when I leave my house and drive up the driveway, I think of you. " Tears12my eyes. There at her home was a piece of my life that she had raised.

    At that moment, she taught me more about life than I could imagine. We give pieces of ourselves every day13thought. We seldom imagine the effects (影响) that we have on others' lives. That piece may grow and spread, becoming a(n)14part of a life. In the end it isn't he big things that matter, 15the small things that make all the difference in the world.

    A . stopped B . searched C . started D . left
    A . worker B . buyer C . owner D . player
    A . price B . name C . address D . age
    A . guessed B . forgot C . learned D . realized
    A . tiredly B . worriedly C . boredly D . surprisedly
    A . months B . days C . years D . weeks
    A . remembered B . saw C . considered D . found
    A . special B . lucky C . friendly D . terrible
    A . warned B . reported C . explained D . expressed
    A . stole B . brought C . chose D . bought
    A . spread B . died C . fell D . disappeared
    A . gave up B . turned to C . came into D . took away
    A . with B . by C . through D . without
    A . unimportant B . necessary C . large D . whole
    A . but B . though C . because D . so
