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  • 1. (2021八上·泰安期中) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出能填入短文相应空白处的最佳选项。

    It was a hot, dry day. A crow(乌鸦) was thirsty. He flew out of his house and decided to1some water. However, he didn't find any water and he could see only dry, stony fields. He2low over the ground. He hoped to find at least a drop of3.

    He kept flying. When he flew over a4, he suddenly saw a blue lake inside the village! He felt so5and couldn't wait to drink the water in the lake.6thinking, he dived(扑向) straight into the blue lake. But he hit the wall so hard that he bent(弯曲)his beak(鸟嘴).The crow touched his beak and cried. He felt7and disappointed(失望). Of course he was a little angry. He sat on the ground and looked at the blue lake carefully. Finally, he8that it was only a painting on the wall.

    When he lay on the ground with stars flashing in his eyes, he realized that he was so9. He said to himself, "How silly I am! I will look carefully10I dive next time."

    See? Think twice before you do.

    A . look up B . look for C . look after
    A . walked B . ran C . flew
    A . water B . food C .
    A . farm B . village C . town
    A . surprised B . excited C . bored
    A . With B . For C . Without
    A . sad B . lucky C . happy
    A . worked out B . found out C . put out
    A . clever B . brave C . stupid
    A . before B . after C . while
