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  • 1. 阅读短文,回答问题

    Unclean food and water can make us feel sick. We must be careful with them, especially during travelling. What should we pay attention to while travelling? We'd better follow the rules as the following:



    *Food that is cooked and served hot

    *Hard-cooked eggs

    *Fruits and vegetables you have washed in clean water

    Don't eat


    *Food served at room temperature (温度)

    *Food from street vendors (摊贩)

    *Undercooked eggs, meat or fish

    *Unwashed fruits and vegetables



    *Water, sodas, or sports drinks that are bottled

    *Water that has been boiled (煮沸)

    *Ice made with bottled water

    *Hot coffee or tea

    Don't drink

    *Don't drink tap water

    *Ice or drinks made with tap or well water

    ●Bathing and swimmingUnclean water can also make us sick if we drink it while bathing, showering, or swimming. Try not to get any water in our noses or mouths. In some areas, tap water may not even be safe for brushing our teeth, and we should use bottled water. Old people and the people in poor health should pay special attention to them.

    1. (1) We can find this passage from a magazine about ________.
      A . news B . travelling C . science D . sports
    2. (2) According to the passage, what can we have during our trip?
      A . Bottled water or sodas. B . Undercooked meat. C . Drinks made with tap water. D . Soft-cooked eggs.
    3. (3) What does the underlined word "undercooked" mean in Chinese?
      A . 袋装的 B . 不新鲜的 C . 烧烤的 D . 未煮熟的
    4. (4) Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
      A . Tap water in some areas is good for our health. B . We had better not eat salads during travelling. C . We don't need to eat hot food often during travelling. D . We can use the water to brush teeth while showering.
    5. (5) What's the best title of the passage?
      A . Food safety in daily life B . How to prepare for a long trip C . Safety rules while travelling D . What can we do while travelling
