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  • 1. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文完整、通顺(其中有两个多余)。

    surprise     understand     towards     when     since    

    actual     brave     honesty     start     it     they     shame

    One day a shepherd(牧羊人)found a fat pig in the meadow where his sheep were eating grass. He walked it and caught the pig as quickly as he could. The pig cried at the top of voice when the shepherd caught it. People might think that the shepherd was hurting the pig badly. But it was trying to run away. The shepherd put the pig under his arm and off to the butcher's in the market. The sheep were at the pig's behavior and followed the shepherd on the way. "What makes you cry like that?" asked one of the sheep. "To be , the shepherd often treats us like that. But we should feel a deep sense of to make such a terrible noise."

    "We are different," answered the pig. " he catches you, he only wants your wool(羊毛). But he wants my meat!"

    It is easy to be when there is no danger. Don't compare two different situations without them.
