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  • 1. 完形填空

    "Oh boys, don't throw stones at the poor bird," said an old gray-headed man, "Sir." said a little fellow, "she makes such a loud noise that we can't suffer from her" "Yes, but she uses the voice which1gave her, and I am afraid the stone will rebound (弹回), and2you as long as you live!" "Rebound! We don't understand you, sir!" "Well, come and I will tell you a story.

    "Fifty years ago, I was a boy like you. I used to throw stones3I became very skilled. One day I went to work for an old couple. They were very kind to everybody and everything.4had so many birds making their nests under the roofs of their houses. The birds seemed to5the couple. One of the birds got used to building her nest in the same place and6her young chicks there. She and her mate had just returned when I went there to work and the couple welcomed them heartily. The bird hopped about as if she was glad to be back. During the day, I thought I would try my7upon her. She sat on a pole and looked at me trustfully. I found a nice stone, and I threw it with my greatest skill. It struck the bird on the head and she drooped dead! "

    "I was sorry when I saw her8. But the deed was done. I said9to the old couple about it. But one of their grandchildren told them what I had done. Though the couple10said a word to me. I knew that they were deeply saddened by my bad behavior. I could never11them in the face afterwards. Oh, that I should have told them how sorry I was!"

    "They have been12many years and so has the poor bird; but don't you see13that stone rebounded, and hit me? How much the14of it has hurt me! For fifty years I have remembered it. I have never spoken of it before; but if what I have said will15you from throwing a stone that may rebound I will be happy. "

    A . nature B . trainer C . talent D . experience
    A . remind B . hurt C . punish D . recall
    A . as B . when C . until D . while
    A . Many B . None C . All D . Few
    A . love B . hate C . fear D . surprise
    A . held B . raised C . lived D . grew
    A . ability B . work C . skill D . idea
    A . fall B . fly C . hide D . cry
    A . everything B . nothing C . something D . anything
    A . hardly B . nearly C . totally D . never
    A . look for B . look into C . look at D . look over
    A . dead B . angry C . sad D . sorry
    A . what B . where C . how D . why
    A . accident B . memory C . event D . activity
    A . separate B . protect C . prevent D . help
