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  • 1. (2022九上·杭州开学考) 下面文章中有五处(第31一35题)需要添加首句。请从以下选项(A、B、C、D、E和F)中选出符合各段意思的首句。选项中有一项是多余选项。

    We all want other people to like us. But perhaps more importantly in the workplace-we all want to be respected. Try some of the following ways, and you can make your colleagues like and respect you.

    Is it the easiest way to get respect? Maybe yes. Don't spend your time worrying about getting respect. Instead, spend that time doing your job really, really well. Let others know that you are really good at what you do.

    Don't be afraid to bring your ideas to the table. If it's an idea about a new thing, people will be glad that you think of ways to help the organization.

    Being busy with work all the time won't make others like you very much. So take the time to ask people about their lives as well! Sometimes a simple "How are you?" can make someone feel good.

    Whether it's taking a cup of coffee for your boss or getting some flowers for your colleague's desk, small acts like these can make others like you.

    Keep them in mind. Get to know what they're doing on the weekend, their hobbies, and what they like. Then talking about them in conversation can be a good way to earn your brownie points (印象分). It shows that you really care about them.

    A. You can do small nice things for people.

    B. You should give their families or kids gifts.

    C You should do your job and do it well.

    D. Asking people some daily questions is helpful.

    E. You should remember their families' or kids' names.

    F. You should have your opinion on things.
