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  • 1. 完形填空

    The ancient people of Babylon and Egypt studied the stars in the sky and1the zodiac(黄道十二宫图) 2years ago. At first it3count time. Later, many people used the stars to describe a person's4and to foretell(预言) what would happen in the future.

    A person's zodiacal sign5his or her birth 6. Some believe this sign can tell us about a person's character. For example, some think that a person7under the sign of Cancer (between June 22 and July 22) is kind and8.

    In many9in Asia, people believe the Chinese horoscope(占星术) can describe characters and foretell future events. In the Chinese horoscope, there are10animals. A person's animal sign is connected to his or her birth11. Each animal has a different type of character. People born in the Year of the Rat are friendly and careful. Those born in the Year of the Monkey are smart and12at making money.

    In Asia, a person's blood type is also used to describe his/her character. People13the blood type A are calm and serious, but they may be selfish. People with the blood type B are independent but may be lazy. People with the blood type AB14honest, and people with the blood type O are talkative(健谈的).

    Not everybody believes that the star sign or the blood type can describe his/her character. But reading the horoscope can still be a lot of 15.

    A . create B . created C . learned D . learn
    A . thousand of B . thousand C . thousands of D . thousands
    A . is used to B . was used for C . used to D . was used to
    A . name B . character C . age D . hobby
    A . is connected to B . connects to C . connected to D . was connected to
    A . place B . year C . date D . time
    A . was born B . were born C . is born D . born
    A . selfish B . home-loving C . silly D . disloyal
    A . countries B . villages C . towns D . schools
    A . ten B . eleven C . twelve D . thirteen
    A . week B . day C . month D . year
    A . bad B . good C . common D . little
    A . with B . within C . has D . have
    A . are B . is C . was D . were
    A . funny B . fun C . funs D . interest
