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    We confirmed that Jim was locked in the hut. We spent two nights digging a h under the hut. We came up under Jim's bed. He was very s to see us. We promised Jim to free him when we were ready. Then we climbed through the hole back to our bedroom and talked about a plan.

    Tom wanted to make an adventure. He w a letter to Uncle Silas telling him somebody was planning to steal Jim. I put the letter under the front door. We waited for the c to free Jim.

    The next night, some men were in Uncle Silas's sitting room—all with guns! We jumped out of the bedroom window and c into the hut. "Come on, Jim!" Tom whispered. "Huck, you go f. Then you, Jim. I'll go last. "

    We heard somebody shouting, "The thieves have s Jim!" We quickly climbed out and ran towards the fence.

    We kept running like our f were on fire. We made it to the fence. I jumped over the fence and Jim followed me. Tom was right behind us. Unluckily, he caught his trousers on a nail. He pulled them free but the men h the noise. They started shooting. We ran to the river and jumped into the canoe. We lay down, out of breath.

    "Jim! You're a free man!" I said. We were all h and Tom was the happiest.

    "It was a great adventure," Tom said. "And look! I got a bullet in my leg!"

    It was true. His leg was bleeding badly but he considered it as part of the adventure.

    —Taken from The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
