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  • 1. (2021九上·吉林月考) 阅读短文,把A— E五个句子填入文中空缺处,使短文内容完整。

    We all avoid failure, and most of us fear it. However, without failure, progress would be impossible. What does success usually come after? Failure.

    Accepting failure is not easy for many, though. We are often unwilling to accept failure because our professional fame depends on success. In the past ten years, for example, some scientific magazines have published reports of failed tests. It is believed that scientists can learn from "negative(负面的)" results and that can finally lead to positive results.

    In fact, one of the business world's most famous failures became one of its biggest successes, in part because the product's makers learned from their mistakes. The product, though unique(独特的)at the time, was expensive and heavy;besides, some of its most important features(特点) didn't work properly. As a result, it became one of Apple's biggest failures, and in 1998, the company stopped selling it. However, Apple′s CEO, Steve Jobs, believed in the product and he began to find out ways of improving it. In time, this lead to the production of the iPhone and the iPad, two of the company's most successful products.

    Not only should we try to learn from it;if we want to succeed, we must also be persistent. Though Apple stopped selling the Newton in 1998, the first iPhone wasn't available until 2007. It took a lot of research and hard work to go from the Apple Newton to iPhone, but in the end, the effort became successful.

    All in all, there is a lot we can learn by studying mistakes. One truly can't exist without the other.

    A. However, things are slowly changing, especially in science and business.

    B. It seems that one cannot exist(存在) without the other.

    C. In the early 1990s, Apple created a phone called the Apple Newton.

    D. The story of the Apple Newton can teach us an important lesson about failure.

    E. Perhaps the most important lesson is that failure and success are two sides of the same coin.
