Jersey City is holding its first annual mural(壁画)festival and the event is an exhibition of color and art. Over 70 artists showed their art pieces on over 50 walls. Tons of paint was used. Thousands of square meters of art were created. Guests were amused and impressed.
Jersey city has always been popular with street artists. Salvador Dali, David Bowie, Mike Tyson and many other famous faces from different times are looking at guests from the city walls. But in the last seven years, over 150 colorful artworks have appeared on the city walls.
Jersey City officials approved the idea and made the Jersey City mural festival an annual event. "We have one of the most dynamic mural programs in the entire country. Today speaks to the fact that the investment in arts and culture is going to lead the way back for us. People appreciate it and want to live in a city like Jersey city for these exact reasons. "
Hundreds of artists hoping to be part of the festival presented their projects in advance for official approval. Officials selected the art based on creativity and execution(实施). There were no limitations when it came to the theme or subject. They ranged from political to abstract. Almost 80 artists participated this year. The whole city was decorated with these grand murals.
Tasty food, refreshing drinks, art and lively conversations-the festival proved to be a magnet for both tourists and locals. Communities were brought together through art.
While the festival only lasts a few days, the murals will stay on the city walls until next year when more art finds its way into the public spaces of Jersey City.