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  • 1. (2021高一上·安达月考) 完形填空

    Creative Home Engineering is the world's most famous company devoted to making hidden rooms and1doors. From would-be superheroes, to2businessmen looking for a3space for their prized art collections, they all4this particular company when they want one of those fancy hidden doors that you see in the movies.

    The5for Creative Home Engineering was born in 2003, when6Steve Humble was working as a mechanical engineer7surgical instruments for a medical device company. He had8been crazy about hidden doors and passageways, and that year he9he wanted one for himself, but10there was no one to build it for him. "I was renting a11house with a bunch of my friends at the time, and we had some extra rooms that we weren't using. I thought it would be12to have a secret door like I had seen in the movies, 13when I did a little research I was surprised to learn that there was no company anywhere that specialized in hidden passageways," he14. Soon after, Steve15his job and started building motorized secret passageways for people out of his parents' garage in Arizona.

    A . thick B . secret C . expensive D . magic
    A . lazy B . honest C . wealthy D . stubborn
    A . open B . tiny C . free D . safe
    A . take over B . turn to C . set up D . find out
    A . idea B . plan C . purpose D . project
    A . doctor B . founder C . businessman D . superman
    A . selling B . learning C . describing D . designing
    A . never B . always C . sometimes D . seldom
    A . imagined B . predicted C . decided D . explained
    A . realized B . doubted C . feared D . argued
    A . crowded B . narrow C . shabby D . large
    A . reasonable B . necessary C . fun D . hard
    A . but B . and C . so D . for
    A . adds B . yells C . asks D . recalls
    A . finished B . quit C . found D . cut
