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  • 1. (2022九上·云县期末) 从题中所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项

    Thousands of years ago, there lived a king. His people loved him. He would often invite some smart people to see 1 work and give him advice. As he grew old, he thought, "I will build a perfect palace to remember my whole life. It will be the best one 2 in my kingdom (王国), but also in neighboring states."

    One day, the king worked out a perfect design for his palace. He 3 his advisers, as well as smart people 4 neighboring states, to get their ideas about the design.

    "Unbelievable! It will be a perfect palace," all the advisers said, except for an old man standing in the 5 . The king turned to the old man and asked, "Why are you 6 ? Don't you think that my palace will be a perfect one?"

    The old man 7 in a clam voice, "Dear king! Your palace will be strong and last forever. It will be beautiful—but not 8 . It may take thousands of workers a whole lifetime to build it, working day and night. Your palace will cost a lot of money. If people's lives become worse because of this building, 9 perfect can it be?" The king thought for a 10 and thanked the old man for his words. He decided to give up his plan.

    A . him B . he C . she D . her
    A . only B . just C . not only D . not just
    A . discovered B . invited C . treated D . drove
    A . in B . with C . from D . above
    A . market B . airport C . palace D . corner
    A . nodding B . silent C . down D . sleepy
    A . replied B . cried C . asked D . talked
    A . wise B . correct C . helpful D . perfect
    A . what B . who C . how D . when
    A . year B . month C . day D . while
