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  • 1. (2022高三上·定远月考) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项。

    Scientists have used a smartphone to control the activity of the living cells inside an animal.

    The combination of biology and technology was used to control blood sugar levels in mice with diabetes (糖尿病). The idea could be applied to a wide range of diseases and drug treatments. The first step was to turn normal cells into living factories. They were genetically engineered to manufacture drugs that control blood sugar levels such as insulin (胰岛素) - but only in response to light. The technology is called optogenetics (光遗传学) and these cells would start to work when exposed to specific wavelengths of red light.

    Then comes the tech—a set of wirelessly powered LEDs and a smartphone app to control them. Scientists implanted the system into mice and were able to control diabetes with the tap of a touchscreen. They said the findings could pave the way for a new era of personalised, digitalised and globalised precision medicine.

    The scientists needed to take tiny drops of blood to know how high the blood sugar levels were, so they could calculate how much drug to release inside the animal. Their goal is a fully automated system that both detects sugar levels and then releases the right amount of chemicals for treatment.

    This idea is clear at an early stage, but it is not limited to diabetes. Cells could be engineered to manufacture a wide range of drugs. Prof Mark Gomelsky said the study was an "exciting accomplishment". He added: "How soon should we expect to see people on the street wearing fashionable LED wristbands that shiny implanted cells engineered to produce genetically drugs under the control of a smartphone?" "Not just yet, but the work provides us with an exciting glimpse into the future of smart cell-based therapy."

    1. (1) According to the passage, we know ________.
      A . the light is a must of the work of cells B . all cells can be genetically produce drugs C . blood sugar levels depends on wavelengths D . a smartphone has successfully controlled diabetes
    2. (2) What did scientists discover from their studies?
      A . Personalized and digitalized medicine is popular. B . Engineered cells only have an impact on diabetes. C . Patients can test the blood sugar levels by themselves. D . The amount of released chemicals is related to sugar levels.
    3. (3) What can be concluded, according to Prof Mark Gomelsky?
      A . Shiny implanted cells treat diseases well. B . Smart cell-based therapy has a bright future. C . People expect to wear fashionable wristbands. D . The study benefits persons with all diseases.
    4. (4) Which is the best title of the passage?
      A . Scientists predict the development of diabetes. B . A smartphone orders body to treat diabetes. C . Biology will be combined with technology. D . Researchers recommend diabetes drugs.
