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  • 1. (2022高三上·邵东月考) 阅读下面材料,在空格处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或使用括号中单词的正确形式。

    Many of our (believe) about the universe are based on inductive reasoning, also known as the scientific model. This means of arriving at the truth requires the observation of concrete events followed by the development of a theory (explain) what has been observed. In the other words, it is a way to proceed from the particular to the general, from the specific to the abstract. However, it is in the nature of scientists to inquire every possibility, and this means they often discover things no one has ever seen or noticed before. Our generalized theories therefore never cease (change).

    In fact, most of our new knowledge is gained by the observation of things we never (see) before. Before the first black swan was seen, the (assume) was that all swans were white. This is known as the "black swan theory". How could we have known otherwise? There will always be "unknown unknowns" such as black swans, but some criticize those who dare to suggest their existence. We should always be objective and question we think we know.

    The world in the future is bound to be different from now. (how) much we understand, there will always be remote possibility of discovering "a black swan". Accordingly, our (comprehend ) of the world will change. Therefore, we should keep pace with new developments in all domains of knowledge— "black swans" can change history.
