当前位置: 小学英语 / 阅读理解
  • 1. (2021四上·荔湾期末) 读绘本,完成任务。

    Some people work to fix(修理) things(东西)for us. Dentists fix people's teeth.




    Some people work to help people in trouble. Firefighters put out fires (火) and save people.


    1. (1) 图片找到文字说明

      A. Some people work to take us places (地方). Pilots fly people to new places in planes.
      B. Some people work T0 reach us new things (事物). Teachers help children to learn about the world.
      C. Some people work to make beautiful things (东西). Artists draw pictures for us.
    2. (2) 仿照其他图片的文字说明,完成73小题图片的文字说明,把句子写在题卡的横线上。

    3. (3) 请为文中划线的新单词找到正确的中文意思、。
      A. 飞行师       B. 艺术家  C. 牙医  D. 消防员
      dentist ; firefighter ; pilot ; artist
