If you are an American and want to visit Britain, here are some manners you should pay attention to before going there.
It would be easier to cut food when the knife is in your dominant hand (惯用手).
After the food is cut, Americans usually put down the knives and eat with their dominant hands. Englishmen, on the other hand, hold the fork in their no dominant hands and take a bite (一口).
Americans usually cut up several pieces of meat before actually eating. Then, once the fork is in the dominant hand, it's easy to take a few bites without changing back. But it's bad manners to cut the food into many small pieces in Britain.
Eating on the go is common in the United States, where people eat their food quickly. However, in Britain, people don't just eat. They sit down to have a relaxing meal, chatting with their beloved ones and enjoying their food. They also think it is the perfect time to teach their kids good manners.
You'll probably never enter a British person's home without asking the host if you want a cup of tea or water. Offering a drink is good manners in the United States, too.
But the host often forgets about it.
Englishmen are generous with how many times they say "sorry", "please" and" thank you" which are some basic manners. For example, when ordering at a restaurant, don't just say "I'll take a hamburger", but show the server some respect and ask, "May I have a hamburger?"