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  • 1. (2022九上·盐湖期末) 请阅读下面的非连续性文本,按要求完成所给任务。

    What is the difference between Chinese and Western cultures?For visual designer (视觉设计师) Cao Siyu, the answer is simple, and it can be found in her comics (连环画册).

    ◆Do you like reading comics? Why?

    Paul: Yes. They are easy to under-stand and interesting.

    Bill: No. I don't have time for comics.

    I'm too busy with my schoolwork.

    Sara: No. I prefer reading novels.

    They are more interesting.

    Ann: Yes. They are relaxing and I don't need to think much.

    Born and raised in Beijing, China, 32- year old Cao left home at age 20 to study in the US and later the UK. She now runs a visual thinking workshop in Paris, France. In her opinion, although travel is much easier and faster today, the distance between cultures doesn't shorten.

    "People in different cultures think differently. After staying in three different countries, I want to share my experiences as a Chinese person living abroad," Cao says. After twelve years abroad, she can understand situations from both sides.

    ◆Tiny Eyes

    After experiencing many misunderstandings, Cao has created Tiny Eyes comics which feature a girl named Tiny Eyes. Many everyday topics, including family relationships, different ways of thinking and social customs, are mentioned.

    A book of the Tiny Eyes comics came out in France in May last year and an English version will come out soon. COVID-19 has made Cao realize how important it is to help people from different cultural backgrounds to communicate with each other. Using her pencil, she hopes that her drawings can help people stay connected.

    1. (1) Please translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.
    2. (2) According to the students, why do some of them like reading comics?
    3. (3) What can we know about Sara?
    4. (4) Why does the writer mention WATER IN RESTAURANTS?
    5. (5) Please complete the chart. What else do you think Cao might have mentioned in the comics?
    6. (6) Do you want to read Tiny Eyes? Why?
