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  • 1. (2022八上·中山期末) 通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。

    There is a fishing completion in my hometown every year. Children love it because there is a big prize for the winner. If you win, you can also become 1 because your photo will be in the newspaper. The 2 are easy, At the end of the day, the kid with the 3 fish gets the prize.

    The boys think fishing is a sport for boys, not for 4. They make fun of me. It makes me angry, but it also makes me 5 to win.

    This year, I went fishing near a small lake in my town. Things went on 6 until Steven appeared. He 7 me all the time. I ignored (不理会) him and kept fishing I tried my best to 8 I would have the heaviest fish. At last I caught a big fish. Steven had a big fish, too. But I was sure that mine was bigger.

    That night, Mr. Smith announced (宣布) the, 9 to all children that Steven won the competition. I couldn't10the result. Something must be wrong. At that time Steven looked at me 11 and said, "I told you that girls are not good at 12 !"

    A moment later, Mr. Smith came out again. He said, "I'm really sorry for the 13I've made. Steven put some small stones inside the fish's mouth. He 14 the truth. Sally is the winner. She is a 15 sportsperson."

    I won the competition without any cheating (作弊).

    A . tired B . talented C . famous D . normal
    A . rules B . fishes C . prizes D . photos
    A . longest B . lightest C . heaviest D . shortest
    A . boys B . men C . girls D . women
    A . agree B . expect C . happen D . refuse
    A . fast B . well C . badly D . carefully
    A . looked after B . cared about C . asked for D . laughed at
    A . make sure B . find out C . feel like D . worry about
    A . result B . article
    C . service D . prediction
    A . choose B . delete C . accept D . question
    A . sadly B . angrily C . kindly D . happily
    A . talking B . fishing C . drinking D . swimming
    A . noise B . mistake C . resolution D . invitation
    A . covered B . trusted C . broke D . told
    A . poor B . shy C . rich D . true
