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  • 1. (2022八上·铁东期中) 根据材料内容,将 A—E 五个句子还原到文中空白处,使材料完整、通顺。

    A long time ago, people were very different from the way we are now. For example, if you find a really old house somewhere, you'll see that the doors are usually much lower (较低的) than they are today. Why? Over time, the human body has changed a lot.

    That's for sure. And the main reason is that we have more and more technology, and it is changing how we live. Here are some possible changes.

    Most of us now have much better food than people in the past, so we grow more. Our muscles(肌肉) will not be as strong as now, because we won't do a lot of physical work.

    We are already using our feet less, and our hands more (think about computers). At the same time, our fingers (手指) will get longer. And our fingers and our eyes will both get better, because they'll have to do more work together.

    It'll get smaller, because we needn't talk so much with the help of technology.

    A. What about the mouth?

    B. In the future, people will probably be even taller.

    C. Because hundreds of years ago, people were shorter.

    D. Can we expect the human body to keep changing in the future?

    E. So we can expect that our legs will get shorter and our feet smaller.
