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  • 1. (2022高一上·温州期中) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    It is not very difficult to find the pop-science bookshelf in a library. Just look for the most colorful shelf, because the national pop-science books are mostly written for children and teenagers.

    This is also proved by publishing sector data. According to China Science Popping Report 2021, the first report on pop-science books published by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, in 2020 alone China had published 98.53 million pop-science books plus 258 kinds of pop-science magazines. However, most of these were for school students; the market and offer for adults are rather small.

    This is a major problem for the burgeoning( 生 机 勃 勃 的 ) pop-science sector. For too long, pop-science has been seen as a tool to better teach science to schoolchildren and teenagers, but not adults. Or at least three major national book-selling websites, if one searches for "pop-science", one is naturally reminded of post-fix phrases such as "for teenagers", "for 0-6 years old", "for children".

    It is completely necessary to teach pop-science to children, who are the future of the nation and whose sense of science affects the scientific development of the nation. However, this should not be all and the adults' need to study science should not be ignored.

    There are so many scientific developments adults will need to keep up to date with, especially during a pandemic. How do masks protect one from the virus? What other measures must one take to stay healthy? Such questions are not juvenile( 未成年的) when one reads about anti-mask movements in the United States. Besides, there are groups that still think that the Earth is flat.

    To avoid such madness in China, it is necessary to create interest in pop-science among all age groups, from the grassroots( 草根的) level up. The more adults develop or sharpen their scientific attitudes, the more they can pay attention to their children's knowledge too.

    1. (1) What is paragraph 2 mainly about?

      A . The effective data of publishing pop-science books. B . The great importance of printing pop-science books. C . The small market and supply of pop-science books for adults. D . The colored pop-science bookshelf designed for kids and teens.
    2. (2) Why should adults' need to study science be focused on?

      A . To increase the sales of pop-science books. B . To benefit their health from pop-science books. C . To avoid their madness about scientific attitudes. D . To affect the scientific development of the nation.
    3. (3) What's the author's attitude towards pop-science books for adults?

      A . Doubtful. B . Supportive. C . Unclear. D . Negative.
    4. (4) Which is the best title for the passage?

      A . Pop-science Books Need a Wider Audience. B . Pop-science Books Affect Kids' Sense of Science. C . Pop-science Books Improve Adults' Scientific views. D . Pop-science Books Focus on Scientific Development.
