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  • 1. (2022高一上·温州期中) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
    How to choose your high school subjects wisely

    Preparing to enter a new grade and choosing the subjects that'll see you through matric(毕业) can be frightening, but this is the first step to your future and you should move near it wisely. Choosing the right subjects will give you a chance at success in senior high school and beyond. .

    Do your research

    The first step is looking at which career(职业) path you'd like to enter into. From there, you can check out the websites of higher education organizations to find out their requirements for that course.

     . If you're not sure about the future, you should choose subject combinations( 组 合 ) that'll leave you with the best choices.

    Decide your interests

    . Research how your favourite subjects show clearly in the working world. Some of you become and continue to be successful, in the different spaces (eg. creative spaces) so don't be pressured into choosing subjects you don't enjoy-those won't benefit your long-term career goals.

    A good idea is to look at subjects that you are good at and explore career choices within that space.

    For example, if you're good at writing, you could choose a subject with a lot of writing (eg. History).

    All in all, the key to making the best subject choices for your future self is to make sure you do your research, and make  your decision at a comfortable pace- so don't rush. . Even if that means being in a different class without your friends.

    A. Concentrate on your strengths

    B. Focus on your favorite subjects

    C. Here are some tips to help you make the choice

    D. Remember to have a plan B about career choices

    E. You should determine your interests when choosing subjects

    F. Look at your interests and strengths, and take your choices from here

    G. When you enjoy subjects, you will often listen more, work harder, and do better
