A few years ago, an expensive new car stopped on the Mississippi River Bridge. A(n)1man got out of the car. He wore very2clothes and looked very rich.
He climbed over the rail and under the bridge onto a platform below the roadway preparing to3. Cars started4and the traffic backed up for miles. The5arrived with the fire department, officers and mental health professionals.
They began talking to the man and telling him not to jump. They told him that he might not die. He might become6and have to stay in bed for life. About half a mile back in the traffic there was an old7. An elderly gardener got out of the truck and walked up to8the people were gathered.
He made his way through the people and shouted to the man, "Hey, I've got to go to work. Either jump or9the bridge. If you decide not to jump, tomorrow is going to be10!"
After hearing this, the man11climbed back onto the bridge, which surprised everyone. The police surrounded him immediately and12him in the back seat of the police car. The gardener13back to his truck, waiting for the traffic to move.
One of the officer14a fireman, "Who was that?" The fireman said, "I don't know. He just said he had to go to work!"
The police reported to the press that all the way to the15the man kept saying, "Tomorrow is going to be better."
One must see a future to have a future.
As Mark Twain once said, "It is not what you do not know that will hurt you the most. It is what you think you know, however, it just isn't so!"