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  • 1. (2022九上·京山期中) 根据短文内容,从短文的选项(A、B、C、D、E、F、G)中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    There are a lot of websites offering advice about the best ways to learn languages.  However, language learning is something that will take you a lifetime. It's impossible to learn a language in only a few weeks.

    The thought of learning a language can be quite scary. Many people never try, as they listen to that voice in their heads that keeps telling them they can't do it because it's too much work.  When you achieve each one, you feel good and the fear goes away.

    Most language experts agree it's better to learn new words and grammar by using topics that interest you. Reading long lists of words is not a good way of learning new vocabulary.  Reading those words in an interesting article, however, might not make you sleepy and is a much better way to remember them.

    Many people will tell you that you can only really learn a language when you're young.  Instead, just keep on learning because there's plenty of evidence(证据) to show that adults can become just as good though they learn in different ways from children.

    Learning more about your own language can actually help you when it comes to try a new language. As you see, if you want to learn to use anything well, you need to understand how it works, and languages are not different.  And then use your knowledge of that language to help you develop skills in the new language.

    A. Most people also find it very boring.

    B. So they often give up.

    C. Don't listen to them because it's simply not true.

    D. Try to understand how your own language works.

    E. Some of them say you can learn a language in only a few weeks. "

    F. That's why it's important to break your learning up into small, clear goals (目标).

    G. It's quite a good idea.
