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  • 1. (2016八上·山西月考) 根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。

        Today was Emily's birthday. She was happy and went home quickly after school.

        “You have to look for your gift on your own,” her sister said. “Here is the first clue(线索).” She gave Emily a piece of paper.

        Emily opened the note and read, “Clue Number 1: Look inside the car.” She found a bone(骨头) for dogs and another note in the car.

        “Clue Number 2: Look at the swing.” On the swing there was a bag of dog food with the third note.

        Again she quickly read the note, “Clue Number 3: Look into the house.” Emily found a dog's leash(皮带) there.

        The note on the leash asked her to go outside. There she saw a beautiful red doghouse.

        Before she got there, a black puppy ran up to her. It had a note on it. The note said, “Happy Birthday, Emily.”

        “Oh, such a cute dog!” she cried. She was so happy. “I will name her Happy, because she made me so happy today,” Emily said.

    1. (1) Why was Emily so happy today?
      A . Because she got good grades at school. B . Because she didn't go to school. C . Because it was her birthday.
    2. (2) What did Emily's sister do?
      A . She gave Emily a gift. B . She gave Emily a cake. C . She gave Emily clues to the gift.
    3. (3) What was the first clue?
      A . A bone for dogs. B . Some dog food. C . A doghouse.
    4. (4) What was Emily's birthday gift?
      A . A car. B . A dog. C . A house.
    5. (5) What did Emily name her gift and why?
      A . Honey, because she liked honey. B . Happy, because it made Emily happy. C . Birthday, because it was her birthday.
