You love your smartphone. It keeps your email readily accessible, and it helps you to stay connected to friends near and far. It's harmless, right?
Wrong. Smartphone addiction is a real concern, especially as people become increasingly dependent on gadgets to conduct daily activities. If you fear your devotion to your smartphone is bordering on addiction, here are eight signs. If you had some of them, it might be time to seek help:
· You text people who are in the same room with you.
· Your phone goes everywhere with you-even the bathroom.
· You sleep with your phone.
· You don't know how to turn your phone off.
· Your self-esteem is tied to how many notifications you get.
· You panic if your phone is out of sight.
· You'd rather be late than arrive without your phone.
· You can't stop peeking at the screen, even during a movie or your favourite TV show.
What smartphone addiction looks like
Some of those signs may seem very silly, but they are real indicators that your dependence on your smartphone is reaching critical levels.
An addiction has no real danger unless they are disruptive to your life. But that doesn't mean a strong attachment to your smartphone is completely harmless. Difficulty in concentrating, poor sleep, and increased anxiety-not to mention damage to interpersonal relationships and communication skills-have all been linked to smartphone overuse.
How to take your life back
It's easy to shrug off smartphone addiction as a silly overreaction, but if you identify with two or more of the signs listed above, you may want to consider cutting back.
Here are some easy ways to use your smartphone properly:
Set limits
Start by setting some guidelines to help you manage your usage.
Watch your feelings
Find other comforts to replace smartphones
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