Eaglets Bald eagles (白头鹫) are birds. They have dark feathers on body and wings and their tail feathers are white. The baby birds are called eaglets. Are you interested in eaglets? Come and learn about some amazing facts about them. |
★Home time All birds lay eggs. So do bald eagles. With sticks (枯枝) and grass, bald eagles build their homes in the tops of trees, so the eggs will be safe. They can become huge and can be as large as nine feet across. That's bigger than your bed! The mother eagle lays from one to three eggs. She sits on her eggs until they hatch (孵化). |
★Proud parents At first, the eaglets are helpless. They can't walk. They also can't see well. Eaglets need their parents for food and to keep them safe. |
★Eaglets grow up Bald eagles use their powerful eyes to hunt. They use their strong wings to fly fast. They use their yellow beaks and long claws to catch fish. Young eaglets must learn all these skills. Then they can live on their own. An eaglet can't fly until it grows dark feathers like its parents. The eaglet stays near its home until its wings grow strong. That takes about five months. |