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  • 1. (2022八上·昆明期中) 根据短文内容,选择最佳答案

    Finland(芬兰)is one of the northern European countries. There is something for everyone to do in Finland.Now let me introduce(介绍) some to you.

    Go bird watching

    Finland is home to many kinds of birds. This country even has some rare (稀少的)birds that you can't find in Europe or other parts of the world. Finland, in other words, is a bird watcher's paradise(天堂), especially during the bird migration(迁徙) season in May in Southern Finland.

    Go skiing(滑雪)

    In Central Finland, it has more snow than other parts of the country. People can find 31 places for skiing, and the longest slope(斜坡) is in Koli. It is 1,050 meters long. It's 50 meters longer than the second one. People can enjoy skiing there bewteen November and April.

    Try ice fishing

    When the frozen lakes in Finland are strong enough, people there dress up for the cold weather and sit by the midlakes to catch fish from the icy waters. If you are a fishing lover, make sure to join people in this famous winter activity.

    1. (1) Finland is a country in the _________part of Europe.
      A . eastern B . southern C . western D . northern
    2. (2) The best time to watch bird migration in Finland is in _________.
      A . March B . April C . May D . June
    3. (3) In Central Finland, people can ________between November and April.
      A . go bird watching B . go skiing C . try ice fishing D . meet Santa Claus
    4. (4) The longest slope in Koli has a length of ________meters.
      A . 1,000 B . 1,020 C . 1,050 D . 1,100
    5. (5) Which of the following is NOT true?
      A . According to the passage, some birds only live in Finland. B . People can enjoy skiing in Central Finland in January. C . It's not a good idea for fishing lovers to try ice fishing. D . The passage is talking about two winter activities in Finland.
