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  • 1. (2022高二上·青羊月考) 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项。

    Mikey and Stacey traveled to Bali, and rented a motorbike to a small town – Ubud. It was dark when they1 back. As they climbed the  hill, Mikey2 down at his iPhone which was  navigating (导航) their way.3, he ignored a sharp bend ahead.

    Sometime later, he4 and found himself lying on his back, surrounded by thick vegetations. He tried to sit up, but his body wouldn't5. The motorbike was gone, so was his cellphone. Stacey was a few feet away, badly injured, too.

    But how would anyone find them? Mikey 6  his second phone which 7  him to contact his friends. He powered it on, opened his Facebook page and8 something.

    Within two minutes, Aimee9 the post and responded. Mikey sent her his GPS coordinates (坐标). Aimee posted a screenshot of them to Facebook. Every few10 another friend would jump into the11.

    In Los Angeles, Paul12 a map, circling the13 search area. With the help from the network, a possible situation picture was 14. Mikey and Stacey were 15  outside of Ubud, but in the jungle.

    Mikey's friends began posting contact information of police, hospitals, and ambulance services in Bali, and many of them  even16 those places with calls. Luckily, Mikey was still17 when he heard some sound. Soon the sound turned into18. It's a search team!

    A(n) 19? Maybe. As one friend posted, When people come together,  20  things happen. Even if they come from the Internet.

    A . marched B . flew C . headed D . ran
    A . stared B . glanced C . settled D . sat
    A . Fortunately B . Instantly C . Delightfully D . Consequently
    A . awoke B . screamed C . trembled D . struggled
    A . tell B . cooperate C . try D . feel
    A . heard B . fixed C . fetched D . remembered
    A . urged B . persuaded C . allowed D . encouraged
    A . received B . posted C . mailed D . checked
    A . refreshed B . highlighted C . delivered D . spotted
    A . seconds B . hours C . days D . weeks
    A . mystery B . conversation C . argument D . survey
    A . sold B . bought C . created D . copied
    A . unknown B . original C . latest D . likeliest
    A . looking out B . putting out C . coming out D . turning out
    A . still B . instead C . thus D . otherwise
    A . testing B . bombing C . helping D . criticizing
    A . conscious B . ambitious C . hopeless D . frightened
    A . reality B . dreams C . voices D . anxiety
    A . miracle B . shock C . excitement D . appreciation
    A . memorable B . beneficial C . significant D . wonderful
