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  • 1. (2022高三上·广州月考) 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

    I was turning ten in the summer of 1995. On a warm evening while at dinner table, my mom announced we were taking a trip to Niagara Falls when summer vacation started so that we could celebrate my birthday there.

    It all sounded incredibly good until mom said we would be driving to Canada. As was often the case, my dad would do all the driving when my mom managed the directions. But dad often took wrong turns along the way and mom would not stop complaining.

    It wasn't all that I didn't like the car rides. I looked over at my 6-year-old sister, Marlene. She giggled at me and rolled her eyes. Driving in the car meant I'd share the back seat with my sister, who would never stop making noise unless she was asleep.

     "Hey, can we take a plane there instead?" I asked between mouthfuls of hamburger and French fries. Sometimes, when dad had a day off from work, we would drive out to Idlewild Airport to watch the planes take off and land. I always hoped that one day I could get to sit in my own seat on one of those planes. It would be so cool to get high up the beautiful sky.

    "Sorry honey, maybe next time." my mother replied as she and my father exchanged glances. I turned to my sister, hoping she would say she wanted to get on a plane too, but she simply stuck her tongue out at me and giggled again.

    Don't they get it? I was in desperate need of a plane ride, and I needed something cool to talk about with my friends when we got home. "Sitting in the back seat of the car sucks." I blurted (脱口而出) out.

    "Jay!" My mom shouted. "Watch your mouth!"

    "OK, sorry, but I really want to go by plane."

    "This conversation is over." My dad growled. "Finish your eating and go to your room."




    We left two days later on Saturday morning in our car.


    I was told to wait until we checked in our bags at the airport.
