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  • 1. (2022九上·开州期末) 阅读理解

    For a long time, many people wished to have a kind of new air conditioner(空调). They can carry their air conditioners with them on hot summer days. Sony has a new invention about this kind of new air conditioner. It is called Reno Pocket. It is small and light in weight and it can be put into the pocket of a special T-shirt. The Reno Pocket is controlled(控制)by a smart phone app. It is able to make you feel cooler or warmer. The Reno Pocket comes out of Sony's startup acceleration(众筹创业)program. However, Sony only has plans to sell the Reno Pocket in Japan at present.

    According to a spokesperson(发言人), the product is mostly fit for businessmen who have to wear suits in summer. Now the T-shirts include men's sizes in small, medium or large, but the product is not really for all-day use so much. It needs to be charged around two hours and lasts about 90 minutes.

    In a blog post, Chichi I to, a project leader on Reno Pocket, said people pay more attention to the functionality(功能性)and comfort(舒适性)in their clothing. In 2017, his team started thinking of ways they could mix technology with fashion to meet people's needs. Reno Pocket was the result.

    Though Japanese buyers are looking forward to buying the new product, they will have to wait for some time. If the project is successful, deliveries of the invention will begin in the near future, then people can buy it in the store.

    1. (1) The Reno Pocket is controlled by_________.
      A . a store B . an app C . a temperature D . a T-shirt
    2. (2) According to a spokesperson, the new air conditioner is mostly fit for_________.
      A . students B . doctors C . teachers D . businessmen
    3. (3) People pay more attention to the_________ in their clothing.
      A . comfort B . shape C . size D . color
    4. (4) The underlined word"deliveries"means_________in Chinese.
      A . 想法 B . 发货 C . 原因 D . 讨论
