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  • 1. (2022九上·开州期末) 阅读理解

    Body language is one of the best ways to find out what is really going on inside someone's head. A small movement of the mouth or nose, or a wink(眨眼)of the eye-these actions can show so much more about persons' feelings than anything they say to you. Here are some basic movements made by Westerners and their meanings.

    Shrug(耸)your shoulders. This means "I don't know" or "I don't mind it". If your friends shrug their shoulders when being invited to a party, it shows they are not very interested in it.

    Keep your fingers crossed! It is a gesture that wishes for good luck. Before people take exams, they often cross their fingers in the hope of good grades. Football fans do the same thing when their favorite team gets a penalty(点球)-they wish the player will score a goal.

    Rub(揉)your chin(下巴). If someone rubs their chin, it often means they don't believe what someone is saying!So if your friends make this gesture, it secretly tells you how they feel.

    Scratch(挠)your head. If your foreign English teacher scratches his head when you ask a question, then he is puzzled and might not have understood what you said. Either that, or he can't remember your name!

    Anyway, the most important is that you need to be very experienced to fully understand what you see.

    1. (1) A small movement of a person's mouth, nose, or eye can show_______.
      A . much about a person's action B . much about a person's feelings C . that he doesn't know it D . that he can't remember your name
    2. (2) _______small actions and their meanings are mentioned in the passage.
      A . Four B . Five C . Six D . Seven
    3. (3) If you tell your foreign friend about your important exams tomorrow, he will probably_______.
      A . shrug his shoulders B . keep his fingers crossed C . rub his chin D . scratch his head
    4. (4) If we put the passage into three parts, which of the following is the best?

      (①=Para. (自然段)1 ②=Para. 2③=Para. 3④=Para. 4⑤=Para. 5 ⑥=Para. 6)

      A . ①②;③;④⑤⑥ B . ①②;③④;⑤⑥ C . ①②;③④;⑤⑥ D . ①;②③④⑤;⑥
