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  • 1. (2022九上·开州期末) 阅读下文并回答问题。

    Throughout history, people have used jewelry(珠宝)to make their clothes look more special.

    Jewelry was, and still is, in fashion all over the world.

    In South Africa, men in the Ndebele tribe(部落)often gave their wives jewelry made of silver or gold rings. Ndebele women wore necklaces(项链)around their necks and bracelets(手镯)around arms. Rings were even worn on their legs. The rings showed wealth(财富). A woman with many rings had a richer husband. In the past, women only took the rings off when their husbands died. Today Ndebele women still wear the rings, but not all of the time.

    People in India have been wearing jewelry for more than 5, 000 years. In the past, both men and women wore a lot of jewelry. Women wore as many as 50 bracelets at a time!Today, men stopped wearing so much jewelry in India, but for women jewelry continues to be very important. Also, jewelry means safety in India. If a family has trouble with money, they can always sell their jewelry.

    In ancient China, people believed that jewelry meant wealth and god luck to them. The more jewelry they had, the richer they seemed to be. Also, jewelry has some special meanings. People used to give the new born baby some jewelry, which was often made of jade(玉石), as a gift. They believed that the jade used in their jewelry was alive and that it could keep bad things away. Many Chinese people today still believe this.

    1. (1) Do men in India still wear so much jewelry today?
    2. (2) When did women in South Africa take the rings of in the past?
    3. (3) What did jewelry mean to Chinese in ancient China?
    4. (4) Do you think jewelry is important to you in your life? Why or why not?
