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  • 1. 阅读理解

    What will the weather be like tomorrow? Some people say they can forecast (预测) the weather from animals.

    Some of them look at seabirds. When they see seabirds fly high, they say it will be a nice day. When the weather is bad, the seabirds stay on the shore(岸). They don't like to fly in strong winds and they sit in trees when rain is on the way.

    Other people look at different animals on the farm. For example, chickens may make a lot of noise and run here and there when rain is on the way. Frogs(青蛙) can tell the weather, too. When rain is on the way, they stay in water and make a lot of noise too. But when it is a nice day, they will be quiet and jump out of the water.

    1. (1) When some people see seabirds _________ they think it is going to be a nice day.
      A . sit in trees B . stay on the shore C . fly high D . fly to the trees
    2. (2) Chickens _________ when rain is on the way.
      A . run around B . keep quiet C . know nothing D . sit in trees
    3. (3) When rain is on the way, frogs may _________.
      A . eat a lot B . not make a lot of noise C . go to the land D . not jump out of the water
    4. (4) _________ will make a lot of noise if it rains.
      A . Frogs and seabirds B . Chickens and seabirds C . Frogs and chickens D . Chickens and cats
    5. (5) The passage wants to tell us that _________.
      A . only animals can tell the weather B . we can know the weather from some animals C . all animals like rain D . all animals can tell the weather
