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  • 1. (2021高三上·杭州期中) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

    Though the Tokyo Olympic Games drew to a close on August 8, 2021, the public is still watching the athletes. Their outfits and the technologies that helped them in the competition have aroused people's interest.

    Su Bingtian, the first Chinese sprinter to reach an Olympic 100m final, has ascribed his breakthrough to scientific training. "It takes Su 47 steps to run 100 meters. Each step counts, " Liang Dong, a member of Su's training team, told Shenzhen Evening News. "Randy Huntington, Su's American coach and a biomechanics expert in track and field, has collected a lot of data on

    outstanding sprinters and built a database. He put in all of Su's data and got a near-optimal model. When Su is training, the team uses high-speed cameras to record his training and compares it with the model to find out his weaknesses. "Technology has also brought a new boost to table tennis. On July 27, the semifinal match between China's Sun Yingsha and Japan's Mima Ito was in full swing at the Tokyo Metropolitan Gymnasium. You wouldn't have guessed that besides players, referees and audiences, a powerful AI platform was monitoring the match.

    Every serve, swing and movement of Mima Ito was captured by this AI cloud platform deployed in Tokyo. At an average speed of 100 Mbps, the data was transmitted to the technical team of the Zhejiang University Table Tennis Intelligent Big Data Analysis Platform, 2, 442 kilometers away from the Tokyo Metropolitan Gymnasium, according to The Paper.

    The Tokyo Olympic Games have seen not only scientific support in training, but many high-end technologies in athletes' devices. For example, the Kenya women's volleyball team's GPS devices fed data on each player's strength, heart rate and so on to coaches, who used the information to prevent injury and personalize training plans for each individual, South China Morning Post reported.

    1. (1) Which of the following can replace the underlined word "ascribed" in Paragraph 2?
      A . attached B . owed C . adapted D . devoted
    2. (2) Which event in the Tokyo Olympics isn't mentioned in the passage?
      A . Table tennis. B . Sprint. C . Women's volleyball. D . Archery.
    3. (3) What can be a suitable title for the text?
      A . Enhancing Sports with Technology B . A report about the Tokyo Olympic Games C . An Al platform monitoring the Tokyo Games D . Devices and Training Determine Athletes' Competition
