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    Many people like to go diving(潜水)when they are on holiday. Jenney, a 14 -year- old girl, is getting ready to have a special dive with sharks in the sea of Florida. Sounds crazy?

    Shark diving is big business in some places and that's raising a question about how close people should get to them. Divers in Florida, for example, often have fun with lemon sharks, which have attacked(袭击) people a few times before. On the other side, many people are against shark diving. And it is foolish to feed sharks while diving and bring them close to busy beaches.

    Bob Dimond has been a diver for 30 years. He's worried that sharks may lose their fear of humans. "When sharks learn to connect humans with food, they swim closer to see if they can find something to eat, "Bob says.

    Bob has created the Safety Group. He and his friends believe if people feed a wild animal, they will increase the chance to be attacked. Therefore, their goal is to stop all shark feeding. It bites and then quickly leaves the person and disappears.

    A. Some brave divers think it is no problem for them to get close to sharks.

    B. That's reason enough to stay away from sharks.

    C. It's really expensive for her to do it.

    D. In fact, when a shark attacks, it is usually hit and run.

    E. They think no one should go diving with sharks.
