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  • 1. (2022高二上·永安月考) 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

    7-year-old Tommy Wilkinson's childish desires got the best of him. He envied his best friend Eric his new fancy bicycle. One day, Tommy gathered the courage to demand the bicycle. His parents refused him. But his dad,Peter Wilkinson, made a suggestion: "You can get the bike if you save up for it." Without a second thought, Tommy decided to set aside money from his allowance (零花钱) every day to raise the amount he needed: $600. Every day, the little boy made sure he placed some money into his piggy bank.

    After almost two years, the day finally arrived. "Finally!" Tommy joyfully shouted as he dropped the piggy bank to the floor. Inside was S830! More than the S600 he was aiming for! Instantly, the excited boy asked his dad to take him to the bike store.

    On their way to the store,Tommy accompanied his dad to the supermarket to buy some groceries. They were lining up at the checkout when Tommy noticed an old woman with a little girt in a wheelchair. The old lady dropped her groceries on the road. She looked helpless,and since she was holding the little girl's wheelchair, she couldn't pick them up.

    Tommy quickly approached the woman. "Hey, let me help you. Where is your car?" he asked the woman whose name was Barbara. The woman told him that they lived across the street and didn't have a car. "I'll carry them for you, "Tommy said. On the way, the woman's granddaughter, Chloe, told Tommy their story. It turned out Chloe injured her leg in a car crash, and her parents died in it. Barbara had to sell her car to pay for Chloe's surgery and wheelchair. Their story moved Tommy.

    After arriving at Barbara's house, Tommy made an unbelievable offer. "I'll get you a car!" he shouted with joy. "Not a new one, though. My dad sells used cars and I'll get you one!" Tommy's offer really shocked Barbara. "But I don't think I can afford a car now," she said.




    "Don't worry! My dad will help you get one. I promise!" Tommy said firmly.


    Peter was surprised that Tommy would offer to give all his savings to help Barbara.
