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  • 1. (2022高二上·龙岩月考) 阅读理解

    Scientists have come up with a new way of identifying animals in an area — by testing DNA sucked out of the air. The researchers believe their new method could help scientists keep track of animals that are hard to spot, including endangered animals.

    Two teams of scientists — one in Denmark and one in the United Kingdom — came up with the same question at about the same time: Could they identify the animals in an area from DNA that was simply floating in the air?

    Testing for eDNA ("environmental" DNA) isn't a new idea,but most of the time,scientists look for eDNA in water. DNA in the air is usually so small that it would take a microscope to see it. The scientists didn't have high hopes for their experiment.

    Neither team knew that the other group was working on a similar experiment. One collected samples from different locations at Denmark's Copenhagen Zoo, and the other at Hamerton Zoo Park in the UK. The scientists used slightly different methods to collect their samples. But basically,both teams used vacuums (真空装置) and fans to collect extremely tiny bits of DNA onto very high quality filters (过滤器).

    In the laboratory, they got the DNA from the filters and made copies of it to study. By comparing their samples with examples of DNA from different animals, the scientists were able to identify many different animals at the zoos.

    The researchers in Denmark identified 49 different kinds of animals. The team in the UK identified 25 different kinds of animals. They even identified DNA from animals that were inside sealed buildings

    Each team only discovered the other experiment after they had written a paper about their own results. Instead of competing, the two decided to combine their results and publish a paper together.

    Both teams are excited about the ways this new method could be used in the wild. Scientists have been looking for better ways to track endangered animals without interfering with them. If researchers know where animals live, they can do a better job of protecting them. "The next step is to figure out how to take this method into nature," says Dr. Bohmann.

    1. (1) What was the scientists' attitude towards their experiment initially?
      A . Hopeful B . Doubtful C . Disappointed D . Satisfied
    2. (2) Which description about the two teams is correct?
      A . They knew each other very well before.             B . Both of them are from the same country. C . Their research methods were not exactly the same. D . They identified DNA from nearly 70 kinds of animals in total.
    3. (3) What is the positive effect of this experiment?
      A . It increases human interaction with wildlife. B . It enables the two teams to compete in science. C . It could help people escape from dangerous animals. D . It could help protect endangered animals in a better way.
    4. (4) What can be a suitable title for the text?
      A . A Groundbreaking Way to Protect Animals   B . DNA of Animals in the UK and Denmark C . Scientists Identify Animals by DNA in the Air D . Two Experimental Teams Doing the Same Thing
