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  • 1. (2022高三上·如皋月考) 阅读理解

    Virtual reality is quickly becoming the new technological frontier. Tech companies everywhere seem to be racing to get their foot in the VR door. However, Virtual reality has a set of challenges and hurdles that it must overcome in order to work well. It should be noted that VR is heavily dependent on being very fast, very accurate and very good-looking. If it isn't, the viewer will feel motion sick or disconnected from the world that VR is trying to create.

    Now that we can actually build VR headsets that begin to meet these requirements, we are seeing a rising interest in VR. As it rises, so does the interest in creating new media to be experienced in using virtual reality. Journalism is a medium built on relevance. Journalists should always be finding new ways to tell stories and deliver content. It is a goldmine for storytelling. What better ways to tell a story to someone than to put them right in the center of it?

    Virtual reality is a powerful tool for journalists. The consumer isn't just reading or watching something play out; they're experiencing it. The immersive nature of VR allows for people to connect with the subject matter on a much deeper level than just reading about it. The experience is emotional, speaking more to our instinct than our intellect. The possibilities for storytelling here are legion, and any storyteller wanting to do something more interesting than their peers should surely be considering the sheer power of VR.

    The question of virtual reality, though, is not how powerful it is. That is immediately apparent. The question of VR is one of viability and availability. Telling stories must be easy to do, and access to those stories must be readily available. This is the biggest challenge that VR faces. If the tools to tell a story with VR.  aren't easy to pick up and learn, VR will fail. If VR technology isn't both top-of-the-line and affordable, VR will fail.

    Accessibility was one concern for Thomas Hallaq, assistant professor of journalism and mass communications, who said that current VR technology, is pretty exclusive right now. Despite that, he said he doesn't think the exclusivity of this technology will be a problem in the long run.

    "I think it's very promising, " Hallaq said. "We're seeing more technology become accessible, and more people having access to that technology. Just look at smartphones." Like radio, TV and the Internet before it, virtual reality will change the way we tell stories.

    1. (1) Why is VR considered a powerful tool for journalism?
      A . Because it is an exclusively new tool. B . Because it is very powerful and popular. C . Because people can experience the story in person. D . Because it is very fast, accurate and good-looking.
    2. (2) According to the passage, what is the biggest challenge VR is facing?
      A . How powerful and interesting it can be. B . Whether people will have easy access to it. C . Whether qualified VR headsets can be built. D . What new ways people will find to deliver content.
    3. (3) What's the author's attitude towards the future of VR technology?
      A . Optimistic. B . Neutral. C . Pessimistic. D . Concerned.
    4. (4) Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
      A . The Wide Popularity of Virtual Reality B . The Future Development of Virtual Reality C . Challenges and Hurdles of Virtual Reality D . Virtual Reality is the Future of Storytelling
