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  • 1. (2022八上·江都月考) 阅读下面短文,从文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。

    A funny thing happened last week on my aunt Jen's farm. It's not about friends or trading cards,1about apples and goats(山羊). It feels like a good2to share right now.

    My little brother and sister, Tex and Indi were so excited about picking up apples and they talked the whole drive there. When we3arrived there, we kids hurried to the farm with Aunt Jen. First, we stopped to visit the cutest baby goats in the world. Their names were Blossom, Bluebell and Sam. We said hello to them. After that, we went to begin our work. When we found the perfect picking place, we all worked with4.

    When our picking baskets were5, we put them into a big box on the ground. But as I finished my third basket, I found6surprising.

    "Hey!" I call to Tex and Indi. "Why are you taking bites(咬) out of all the7in this box? If you're hungry, can't you just8one apple?" "I didn't take the bites out of any apples!" Tex said. "Me neither!" said Indi. I couldn't believe their words.

    Just then, we heard a sound beside us.9, it was the baby goats that were eating the apples, with bits of apples all over their faces.

    "I10you it wasn't me," said Tex. "So did I," said Indi.

    "I'm sorry I thought you were lying," I said. "11there's something strange, I'll wait until I have a few more details before deciding I know the right answer."

    I learned a good12that day.13you jump to conclusions(结论) without lots of looking, talking to your friend, you won't find the truth. It14works better to ask than to accuse(指责). Would you15for a while before you draw a conclusion?

    A . but B . and C . or D . so
    A . habit B . story C . secret D . plan
    A . firstly B . luckily C . finally D . suddenly
    A . surprise B . excitement C . fear(恐惧) D . silence(沉默)
    A . heavy B . light C . empty D . full
    A . something B . anything C . nothing D . everything
    A . grapes B . apples C . pears D . carrots
    A . draw B . sell C . eat D . get
    A . In fact B . As a result C . By the way D . At first
    A . told B . taught C . asked D . ordered
    A . The first time B . Next time C . Last time D . This time
    A . language B . subject C . lesson D . report
    A . If B . After C . Though(尽管) D . While
    A . never B . seldom C . sometimes D . always
    A . leave B . look C . pay D . wait
