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  • 1. (2022八上·常州月考) 完形填空

    Ivan sat on the floor covered with sand deep down in the sea. He was bored and unhappy. He watched other pretty fish swimming in and out of rocks. They were laughing and dancing1." Why am I so different?" he said to himself.

    " You are an octopus(章鱼), Ivan. That is special." The sweet2of Peter, a beautiful white dolphin,3made Ivan feel better. Ivan looked up at the white dolphin_and smiled. Peter said," Let's play games4."

    They were having a lot of fun and they didn't know they swam far from home.Suddenly Peter saw a large shark swimming next to them," It is Big White …… the biggest, most5shark in the sea," he shouted to Ivan. Peter looked at Big White6. Peter was afraid and he couldn't7. Just at this moment, Big White rushed down towards8.An9came to Ivan. He quickly sprayed(喷)a very dark cloud of black water to the shark 's10. Then Ivan and Peter swam away11got home safely.

    "Are you OK?" asked Ivan." Yes. That was the most interesting trip ever! You saved me ust now,I am lucky to have you as my12!" Ivan's face turned red." I guess being ifferent from others can be cool sometimes," Ivan said." That is what I try to13you,"eter said.

    A . in the river B . in the lake C . in the sea D . on the beach
    A . sound B . noise C . shout D . voice
    A . sometimes B . never C . seldom D . always
    A . together B . instead C . as well D . also
    A . kind B . terrible C . friendly D . small
    A . carefully B . carelessly C . hopefully D . hopelessly
    A . walk B . fly C . swim D . run
    A . me B . you C . her D . them
    A . idea B . action C . ability D . example
    A . ears B . nose C . eyes D . mouth
    A . and B . but C . or D . after
    A . pet B . family C . friend D . listener
    A . tell B . play C . ask D . buy
