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  • 1. (2022八上·常州月考) 阅读短文,回答问题

    Around the world, people have beliefs(信念) about certain food and drink. Some people think that chicken soup is good for a cold. Others believe that it is unhealthy not to eat meat.If you want to know whether these beliefs are true or not, read this text to find out.

    Belief: Chicken soup helps to fight a cold.

    Fact: For centuries, people believe that chicken soup is good for a cold. Now, doctors say this belief may be true. Scientists say that chicken soup has a special substance (物质) that stops a cold from getting worse. Also, heat(热) from the soup can make a person feel better.

    Belief: A vegetarian diet is unhealthy.

    Fact:Meat, especially red meat, has protein(蛋白质) that the body needs. A person who doesn't eat meat can get enough protein and be healthy by eating tofu, eggs, nuts, and certain vegetables.

    Belief: Chooolate causes skin trouble.

    Fact: This is a general belief that is not true! Scientists say that eating chocolate does not cause skin trouble. More often, the cause is stress or not getting enough sleep.

    Belief: Tea is better than coffee.

    Fact: A study in 2002 showed that black or green tea has substances that can protect your heart, fight cancer and make fat less in your body. Coffee does not do this.

    Belief:Foods like bread and potatoes are fattening(使发胖).

    Fact: Bread and potatoes do not have much fat, or many calories. Eating too much and not exercising can cause us to get heavier. Also, adding fattening things like butter(奶油) to bread and potatoes can raise the number of calories we eat.

    1. (1) Drinking chicken soup is good for a cold         .
      A . because it is delicious B . because it produces many calories C . because of a special substance it has D . because of a special heat it has
    2. (2) Which of these may cause skin trouble?
      A . Juice or chocolate. B . Cheese or chocolate. C . Stress or lack(不足) of exercise. D . Stress or lack of sleep.
    3. (3) If you want to lose weight, you need to         .
      A . eat less and exercise more B . eat more and exercise less C . eat and exercise less D . eat and exercise more
    4. (4) Eating bread isn't fattening, but            .
      A . eating potatoes is B . eating similar food is C . adding potatoes to it is D . adding butter to it is
    5. (5) According to the passage, what fact may you believe?
      A . Vegetables don't have protein at all. B . A person who never eats meat can also be healthy. C . Coffee is better for you than tea. D . If you eat food with a lot of calories, you'll never get heavier.
