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  • 1. (2022四上·南期末) 阅读短文,判断对错。

    Last week, Xiaoyong didn't go to school. He stayed at home because of Covid-19. He cleaned all the rooms. He finished his homework. And he helped his mum cook dinner. Since the outbreak of Covid-19(新冠病毒的爆发), our daily life has changed greatly. We should wear masks and keep social distance(距离). And it's important to keep healthy. Drink some water. Eat fruit and vegetables. Don't eat too much junk food. Go to bed early. Don't stay up too late(熬夜). Do some exercise every day. And be happy as much as you can. Learn to smile at any time.

    1. (1) Xiaoyong stayed at school.
    2. (2) He did his homework.
    3. (3) Our daily life has changed.
    4. (4) We can eat much junk food.
    5. (5) Learn to smile.
